Giovanni Biscari รจ un artista espressionista nato nel 1947 in Sicilia. Influenzati da Modigliani e Picasso, i suoi dipinti riflettono emozioni, pensieri e tormenti interiori. Le sue forme dinamiche e geometriche hanno un'estetica futurista.
Giovanni Biscari is an expressionist artist born in 1947 in Sicily. Influenced by Modigliani and Picasso, his paintings reflect emotions, thoughts, and internal torments. His dynamic, geometric shapes have a futurism aesthetic.

Chi e Giovanni Biscari

Expressionist Artist

1947 - 2020


Modigliani & Picasso

20th Century

man in black and white sweater standing beside wall with graffiti
man in black and white sweater standing beside wall with graffiti
woman in black pants and orange jacket standing beside wall with graffiti
woman in black pants and orange jacket standing beside wall with graffiti

Selected Works


Explore a selection of Giovanni Biscari's art projects, showcasing his unique expressionist style. Each piece is a reflection of his emotions and internal torments.

assorted-color paintings
assorted-color paintings


Discover the exhibitions featuring Giovanni Biscari's expressive art. From local galleries to international shows, his work has been celebrated in Italy and spans cities.

Personal Exhibitions: Vittoria 1967, Ragusa 1969

Collective Exhibitions: Vittoria - 1964, 1965, 2000, 2018; Brussels, Ragusa Ibla and Taormina: 2023

person wearing gray shirt sketch
person wearing gray shirt sketch


Explore the collaborations that Giovanni Biscari has embarked on throughout his artistic career. From fellow artists to designers, his unique style has been applied to various projects.

Customer Reviews

Giovanni Biscari's art has touched my soul. His expressionist style captures emotions in a unique way. Each piece tells a story and invites you to dive into the depths of your own soul.
assorted-color paintbrushes
